Welcome to Team Sport of Agility

Team Sport: Partnership (bond) between dog and handler  

OF AGILITY: Where the dog demonstrates its agile nature and versatility by following cues from the handler through a timed obstacle course.. Agility courses can consist of Jumps, Tunnels, Weave Poles, Chute, See-Saw, Dog-Walk, Table and A-Frame.


ARFF days

April 12th, 2025

May 3rd, 2025

June 7th, 2025

July 5th, 2025

August 2nd, 2025

September 8th, 2025

Oct 4th, 2025

Nov 1st, 2025

CO-OP days

 dates coming


April 18-20th, 2025 @ Lady Lake

June: Perry GA-Dalmatian Club



About Us

Michelle and D.O.G. continue to do well at agility events. D.O.G. is now working towards his MACH 2. Michelle started her agility career in 2000. She and her dogs grew to love the sport.

Team Sport Of Agility is Michelle’s full-time occupation. Only positive reinforcement methods are utilized.


She teaches group classes and private instruction and offers levels of agility training from Puppy Introduction to Competition agility which is geared for those competition teams working toward their master and championship agility titles.


  • Caleb Retires

    Caleb's well-rounded performance in Agility earned him his MACH 5. He had enough Double Q's to have been able to secure a MACH 8.

    Caleb was a one-in-a-million fur kid surviving Ivermectin toxicity and almost dying. He recovered within months to be able to attend the AKC Nationals, placing 49th out of over 400 dogs in his height division.

    Caleb & Michele's stamina for the sport allowed them to attend AKC Nationals frequently, as well as the AKC Invitational.

    Caleb's other performance achievements were in Dock Diving, Lure Coursing, Barn Hunt, Rally & Tricks.

    Michelle's most precious boy, Caleb, departed this world in 2019. Michelle and Caleb's heart were so closely joined, that as Michelle continues in her endeavor of Agility training, Caleb will always be running right beside her.

    Updated: 05.01.2020
  • Magi:

    Proficiency in trialing at the young age of two, has resulted in Magi compiling AKC Master Agility Titles in the Jumpers & Standard divisions.

    Magi has acquired his  AKC Masters Agility Championship titles. (MACH2) He has earned his Master Gold Standard and Master Gold Jumpers titles which requires seventy five clean runs in the master Standard and Master Gold Jumpers division. He continues to work on his Premier Standard and Premier Jumpers titles.

    Magi has accumulated AKC titles in Advanced Lure Coursing, Fst CAT, Dock Diving, Rally Excellent, Pre-Trial Sheep, Started Sheep, Beginner Novice Obedience, Obedience (CD) and Advanced Tricks. He has excelled at ASCA agility trials, as well as earning his AKC and ASCA Conformation Championship.

    Magi qualified and ran in the AKC National championship multiple times where he placed in the top 100 out of over 400 twenty inch dogs.

  •  D.O.G.:

    D.O.G. is an all-around dog. He has performed and earned titles in many venues including Air Retrieve, Dock Diving, Lure Coursing. Fast CAT, Rally Excellent, Advanced Tricks and ASCA Elite Agility. Currently he is working on Hydro dash and Obedience.

    D.O.G. has acquired AKC Master Agility Championship twice. (MACH2) He has earned his Masters Century Standard Title which requires one hundred clean runs in the Master Standard division and Master Gold Standard Jumpers title which requires seventy five clean runs in Master Jumpers division.

    D.O.G. has qualified and ran in the AKC National championship multiple times placing in the top 100 out of 400 20 inch dogs or more.

    Updated: 01.07.25
  •  Exxalt:

    Exxalt started his agility career at 18 months. At 2 years old  he is now working on his Masters Standard and Masters Jumpers titles and on his Masters Agility Championship.

    Exxalt is a quick learner and loves to work on anything his mommy asks him to do. He is working in Rally, Dock Diving and has qualified legs in Fast Cat. Exxalt is Magi's son and is following in his footsteps.

    Updated: 01.10.25